David Vokrouhlicky
Position: Researcher
Organisation: Astronomical Institute, Charles University Prague
Address: V Holesovickach 2, CZ-180 00 Praha, Czech Republic
Fax: +420-2-21911292
Phone: +420-2-21912574
Electronic mail: vokrouhl@mbox.cesnet.cz
Research Interests:
- Celestial Mechanics -- Space Dynamics, Relativistic Celestial Mechanics
- Astrophysics -- High Energy Phenomena, Active Galactic Nuclei
- General Relativity -- Astrophysics of Compact Objects
- The course in Celestial Mechanics covers theories of
the solar system dynamics starting from the "Keplerian" two-body
approximation up to the "Laplace-Lagrange" secular solution. Particular
care is also paid to the "Hill" method applied to the lunar motion
and basics of the artificial satellite dynamics. It is an advanced
course for senior undergraduates and graduates majoring in physics.
The course offers a solid introduction to the fundamental theory of
the subject.
- My research papers deal with black-hole
astrophysics, particularly in relation to the model of active galactic
nuclei with a massive black hole, relativistic celestial mechanics and
space dynamics of the artificial and/or natural satellites.