- Alicia Moranchel Basurto
- magnetohydrodynamic simulations, supernova remnants, accretion discs
- email: name "amoranchel087", server "gmail.com"
- phone: +420 95155 2582
- Miroslav Broz
- Solar System dynamics, thermal effects on asteroids
- email: name "mira", server "sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2586
- personal web pages
- Pavel Dolezal
- processing of spectroscopic data
- email: name "pavel.dolezal", server "matfyz.cuni.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2580
- Josef Durech - vice-head of the Institute
- asteroids - lightcurves, shape models, Asteroids@home
- email: name "durech", server "sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2575
- Jaroslav Haas - scientific secretary
- dynamics of star clusters, Galactic Centre
- email: name "haas", server "sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2580
- Josef Hanus
- physics of asteroids
- email: jméno "hanus.home", server "gmail.com"
- phone: +420 95155 2575
- Petr Harmanec
- spectroscopy and photometry of binary stars, hot stars, Be stars
- email: name "hec", server "sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2573
- personal web pages
- Raul Ortega Chametla
- planet formation, planetary migration, magnetohydrodynamical models of protoplanetary discs, hydrodynamical instabilities
- email: name "raul", server "sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2582
- Ondrej Chrenko
- formation of planetary systems, hydrodynamics of protoplanetary discs, dynamics of asteroids
- email: name "chrenko", server "sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2582
- personal web pages
- Daniela Korcakova
- radiation transfer, stellar atmospheres, accretion discs, spectroscopy of B[e] stars
- email: name "kor", server "sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2579
- personal web pages
- Pavel Kroupa
- stellar and binary-star populations, stellar and galactic dynamics, cosmology, the dark matter problem
- email: jméno "kroupa", server "sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2579
- personal web pages
- Jaroslav Merc
- symbiotic binaries
- email: name "jaroslav.merc", server "mff.cuni.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2582
- personal web pages
- Martin Solc
- comets, small bodies of the Solar System, history of astronomy
- email: name "solc", server "mbox.troja.mff.cuni.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2585
- personal web pages
- Martina Stepankova - secretary
- email: name "mstepank", server "mbox.troja.mff.cuni.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2572
- Ladislav Subr - head of the Institute
- astrophysics of accretion discs and dense star clusters
- email: name "subr", server "sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2584
- personal web pages
- Michal Svanda
- Solar physics
- email: name "svanda", server "sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2584
- personal web pages
- David Vokrouhlicky
- celestial mechanics, dynamics of bodies in the Solar System, relativistic celestial mechanics
- email: name "vokrouhl", server "cesnet.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2574
- personal web pages
- Marek Wolf
- eclipsing binary stars, near-Earth asteroids, CCD photometry
- email: name "wolf", server "cesnet.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2586
- personal web pages
- Petr Zasche
- eclipsing binary stars
- email: name "zasche", server "sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz"
- phone: +420 95155 2573
- personal web pages